Memphis, Tennessee

Madeleine Borgia

Office: 901-593-1055

Office Information

7776 Farmington Blvd #383256 Memphis, Tennessee – 38119

Family Dentistry, Jessica L. Wang, DDS

"Schooley Mitchell handled everything professionally and required very little time investment from us. Everything from negotiations to implementations was handled seamlessly by Schooley Mitchell. As promised, their post audit process has been transparent and accurate. We only pay based on the actual savings recovered!"


Milano Menswear

"We had a good relationship with our shipping provider UPS, and had been told we had the best rates they could offer. However, once Madeleine's team were involved, we were able to get on a different pricing schedule which has delivered us $28,995 in savings over 12 months."


Contact Us

When it comes to saving money for your business, the best time to start is right now. Reach out today for a risk-free analysis of your business expenses.

Schooley Mitchell saves our clients an average of 28%, and our entire process takes less than two hours of your time on average. Stop paying your vendors more than you need to. Let Schooley Mitchell put that money back in your pocket.