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Cal Wilson / June 7, 2021

Should your business be paying for shipping insurance?

If your business ships products across country or overseas, what happens when one of those packages is lost, delayed, or damaged? As the seller, your customers are going to hold you accountable — even if it’s not the fault of your company.

One solution to this concern is shipping insurance. Shipping insurance is a service that holds shippers accountable for and protects your business against lost, stolen, or damaged packages. If an insured package is damaged or does not reach its destination, the retailer is reimbursed the declared value of the items in the package.

Shipping insurance means paying a small upfront fee, for the peace of mind that any mishaps in transit will not reflect poorly on your brand.

Your reputation is on the line.

A 2020 survey from industry expert, Convey, found that 47 percent of respondents said they’re unlikely to shop with a retailer again after a bad shipping experience.

A similar 2016 survey found that, in the case of delayed or damaged product:

  • 53.1 percent of shoppers would expect a free, expedited replacement.
  • 43.9 percent of shoppers would expect a refund or discount on shipping costs.
  • 19.4 percent would expect a coupon discounting their next purchase.

Those numbers have likely shifted somewhat since stay at home orders led to an online retail boom, but the point remains. Your money and your business’s reputation are at stake when it comes to lost, delayed, or damaged shipments.

When do you need shipping insurance?

Shipping insurance isn’t necessary for the average person sending a parcel, unless that parcel is particularly valuable or fragile. However, in a business setting, it really depends on your frequency and volume. The more you ship, the higher the chances are of something going wrong. If your product is especially expensive, the risk increases.

If you’re doing any kind of ecommerce, shipping insurance is a necessary operating cost to protect your revenue and your reputation.

2021 shipping crises are the perfect reason to get shipping insurance.

In 2021, we have already seen one of the best motivators for investing in shipping insurance. In March, the Taiwanese container ship Ever Given became stuck in the Suez Canal, bringing global trade to a screeching halt for many industries. On May 25th, a chemical fire broke out on a container ship off the coast of Sri Lanka.

If you are shipping overseas, or even by land, there is always a possibility of an accident or disaster leading to product destruction or delay. The events of the first half of 2021 might make you pause and consider investing in shipping insurance, or reviewing your existing coverage.

Cost is a consideration.

Across all major carriers, the rates are determined by the value of the shipped item.

ShipBob provides a helpful overview of the price comparisons for UPS, Fedex, and USPS. Both Fedex and UPS offer free coverage for packages up to $100, with rates increasing from there. However, UPS has a $2.70 insurance minimum, so the value of the shipped product must be at least $300 to qualify for UPS shipping insurance.

If you’re using a different provider, be sure to do your research and see what options you can use to your advantage. Likewise, there are third-party shipping insurers that are often less expensive than the shippers themselves.

As with any business expense you take on, do your research and consult with industry experts.

Cal Wilson / June 4, 2021

How to give constructive criticism that will be received and appreciated.

Some people are great at giving constructive criticism, and some are great at receiving it. Like anything else in life, it’s a skill that takes practice and active personal reflection. Meaningful feedback is integral to an employee’s personal development as much as it is to your business’s success. If you find yourself looking for methods to give constructive criticism in a way that will motivate your team, here is one strategy.

What you might be doing now…

Everyone knows the sandwich method. It’s the strategy where you stuff your criticism between two compliments. While this method might feel like it’s taking the potential for conflict out of the equation, it may actually be making your feedback less impactful.

“People still use [the sandwich method] because they’re nervous about being too critical,” said Joy Baldridge, author of the 2019 book The Joy in Business: Innovative Ideas to Find Positivity (and Profit) In Your Daily Work Life, in an interview with Fast Company.

However, it’s not a foolproof method of getting your point across. So what is?

The Velvet Hammer:

Like its name suggests, the velvet hammer method of giving feedback is soft, but direct. It gets right to the matter at hand, without being abrasive.

“The velvet hammer is actually a verbal contract you are creating with another person to better yourself as a leader and better them as team member, colleague, or friend,” Baldridge says.

Sounds great!

Here’s what you do:

These are the steps Baldridge recommends following to deliver effective constructive criticism.

1. Begin the conversation with, “Got a minute? I need your help.”

Your approach should be friendly, not intimidating. Baldridge says that asking for help “is an international surrender of agenda. It’s a disarming way to get attention sincerely and genuinely.”

2. Next, “I noticed that [problem behavior goes here.] (Pause) I was wondering what’s causing this problem (pause), because it cannot continue. What do you suggest we do?”

Baldridge says that asking the employee what actions they suggest is powerful, because people are most persuaded by their own words. Likewise, it is a nonthreatening and open minded approach that still implies value in that employee’s thoughts and feelings. Finally, the word ‘we’ in a problem-solving setting is an important part of showing leadership when managing a team.

Before you try it with your team, here are some things to note:

  • The script is helpful, but you want to sound authentic, not scripted.
  • Baldridge suggests practicing in front of a mirror.
  • Be mindful of your tone. You want to sound like you’re searching for solutions, not delivering a reprimand.

Why does this method work?

Baldridge likens it to telling a friend they have spinach in their teeth.

“If you have spinach in your teeth, do you want to know or not?” She asks. “When something needs to be said, most people in the organization know it. Everyone, that is, except for the person who needs the feedback. It’s like a someone walking around the office with a ‘kick me’ sign on [their] back.”

In her perspective, the velvet hammer method is actually a very compassionate way of giving constructive criticism. 

In conclusion…

The velvet hammer is another tool to add to your leadership toolbox. Remember to be purposeful and confident when giving constructive criticism, and hopefully your team will see the benefit.

Cal Wilson / June 1, 2021

Finding the right internet server for your business

If the last year has seen your company shift to work from home, you might have found the need for a new or improved internet server to help your business thrive remotely. If your current provider isn’t doing the trick, or for whatever reason, you’re in need of new solutions, it’s essential to prioritize a server that will give you the best connectivity 24/7.    

What is a server?    

An internet or web server is a combination of software and, in some cases, hardware that helps with necessary parts of running your business online; such as maintaining your website, supporting your company email, and allowing for file transfer and storage. Server hardware is connected to the internet, and allows for the exchange of data between connected devices, while the software controls how hosted files are accessed. Servers are critical for preventing data loss; something that is otherwise inevitable due to human error and faulty tech.  

There is a big industry debate over on-premises servers versus cloud based solutions. An on-premise server is a physical, on-site server that a provider must maintain. A cloud-based server is a virtual server hosted through cloud computing.  

If you have a website, or use any kind of file share solutions with your employees, chances are that you’re paying for a server, whether that be on-premises or cloud solutions.    

What to consider when paying for an internet server?    

You want a functional host of solutions at a reasonable price. Depending what you’re using the server for, you might want to prioritize some aspects over others. If you’re trying to run a call center remotely, like many businesses are finding themselves doing right now, speed and reliable connectivity are going to be of utmost importance. Knowing what you need is the first important step.    

Location, location, location.    

If you choose a server with poor speed or connectivity, you risk losing existing customers, as well as the opportunity to attain new customers. It can also cause delay in work progress, and overall poor productivity for your staff.  

Connectivity and speed are often dependent on your location, as well as the location of the server itself, if the server is on-premises. When investigating a provider, do some research about the internet connectivity speed in its location of operation.    

Location is especially important when considering whether you want to use a cloud or on-premises solution. On-premises software is installed on your company’s devices and servers, whereas cloud software is hosted on the vendor’s server and accessed via a web browser. The connectivity in your area is going to determine whether or not a cloud solution is even realistic for you.    

Cloud or on-premises?  

There is no shortage of opinions on this question. The truth is either option might work for you, depending on what you need and your preferences.  

In the past few years, cloud has seen increasing popularity, and vendors are beginning to move away from on-premises solutions. Still, on-premises have their benefits. Here is a breakdown of some of the pros and cons of each option.    

The truth is either option might work for you, depending on what you need and your preferences.  

Advantages of cloud hosted solutions include:  

  • Accessibility from anywhere in the world, on any device, with internet connectivity.  
  • No upfront installation costs.  
  • Predictable, regular payments to cover software licensing, support, daily back-ups, and any potential upgrades you might choose.    
  • All the maintenance is taken care of by the cloud service provider, so you do not need to worry about it.    
  • Highly secure.    
  • Can be deployed quickly, over the internet, in a matter of hours or days.  
  • Due to the flexibility of cloud solutions, they can easily scale to meet the changing needs of your business; for example, a period of growth in employees.    
  • You will save on your utility bills, not having to power any hardware onsite.    

Advantages of on-premises solutions include:  

  • Less reliant on your business’s internet quality than cloud solutions.    
  • Despite a pricier upfront investment, on-premises solutions have a lower total cost of ownership over the course of the system’s life cycle.  
  • Because you are paying for the hardware and software installation upfront, you have more control over the configuration, upgrades, and system changes.  

The choice is yours.    

The best solution for your business is going to be dependent on your location, size, budget, and other determinant factors. Explore your options, and find the right fit for your company.    

Cal Wilson / May 21, 2021

Master new skills by adopting a beginner’s mindset

We are never too old or too experienced to learn something new. Often, the thing standing between us and mastering new skills is mindset. One way you can help yourself is by embracing a ‘beginner’s mindset’ approach to learning.  

Children are encouraged by their families and the community at large to try a wide variety of skills. You may have been made to play chess or learn folk dancing in school, even if these skills have never played an important role in your career life. Children can and will pick up new skills quickly and with relative ease, simply for the sake of enriching themselves. How can we, as adults, bring that same capacity to learn into our lives and workplaces? 

Author of Beginners, Tom Vanderbilt, has done significant research into learning better as an adult. Inspired by his daughter’s keen ability to pick up a wide array of hobbies, Vanderbilt decided to spend a year pursuing a new range of skills, including singing, drawing, juggling, and even surfing. The point was not to become a pro-surfer or bestselling singer, but rather to fully immerse himself in the pleasure of the learning process. It is this ‘beginner’s mindset’ that takes the pressure off learning and allows you to truly develop quality skills.  

Vanderbilt has laid out some important guidelines for this style of learning that just might help you pick up that new instrument you’ve been meaning to try, or improve a skill you thought you’d lost.  

Learn from your mistakes:  

It may seem obvious, but it is an area where pride or laziness often get in the way. Be deliberate and analytical when training any new skill, and rather than getting frustrated or proud, ask yourself what went wrong and what went right.  

Make sure your practice is varied: 

Change things up from time to time. Don’t keep the variables the same every time. Can you really play the piano if you only know one song? Variance in your practice leads to the brain’s flexibility. It also helps build your resilience to a great array of challenges you may face.  

Teach what you learn: 

Do you remember having to present what you learned in school, or be a ‘peer-teacher?’ There’s a reason for this. We learn better when we know we will have to teach what we have learned to others. The expectation of teaching increases curiosity and retention. Passing on knowledge is rewarding neurologically, as well as emotionally, as many find it one of the most exciting parts of learning.  

Be Open and Vulnerable: 

Part of the reason kids are great learners is because they do not have the same sense of embarrassment or social shame that hinders a lot of adults. Take singing, as an example. Children sing all the time with no mind for who hears them. As an adult with no singing training, it may be nerve wracking to open up and practice with an instructor for the first time. Pushing past these nerves and being vulnerable leaves you receptive to instruction and improvement.  

Applying this to your career life. 

So juggling and surfing might not help you in the business world – or maybe they will, in which case, great! These tips for learning do not just apply to artistic talents of recreational activities. There are lots of situations where this advice can be applied to help you grow your career. 

Maybe you’re stuck on learning a second language to help expand your business, or you’re taking a class on a software that seems above your paygrade. Keeping these ‘beginner’s mindset’ tools in your toolbox can make all the difference.  

More than that, learning new skills keeps your mind sharp! There has been clinical research that shows learning and practicing new skills can offset some of the mental decline associated with aging. 

Cal Wilson / May 17, 2021

Merchants using P2P apps — protect yourself from online fraud.

Just like everything else, merchant services have changed over the course of the pandemic. Your business may be trying to navigate contactless payment options or accepting orders over ecommerce platforms, like Instagram. No matter the situation, it’s important that you protect your business against the risks associated with online payments, so you can focus on optimizing your use of this developing technology.  

Social distancing has really changed the ecommerce landscape. Some businesses find themselves relying on person-to-person, or P2P, payment apps to make transactions online. PayPal, for example, saw an increase of usership from 325 million to 375 million active customers between spring 2020 and spring 2021.  

If your business is making use of these tools, here is some crucial information that just might protect your bottom line.  

Be careful with P2P apps.  

It’s important to recognize that not all P2P apps, like PayPal, Cash App, or Zelle, are built with business protections in mind.  

Although it is easier for the consumer to use an app, in comparison to a credit card, it is often more secure for retailers to accept credit card payments. Credit cards have certain built-in protections that make them less vulnerable to scammers. 

One problem with P2P apps is that money sent cannot always be recovered if, say, the sender no longer wishes to go through with a payment. This makes processes like returns more difficult, but also leaves your customers more susceptible to scams. Let’s say someone is pretending to be your business over social media, and accepts a payment for one of your products; once they make some money, they can delete the account and disappear, with no recourse for you or the victim of the scam.  

On the other side, fraudulent transactions that target the retailer, are very expensive scams. The cost of fraud for merchants is not only the merchandise or the value of the service, but also the labor and resources that go into fulfilling an online order. 

“E-commerce draws a crowd of fraudsters and many merchants that may not have been used to the online sales channel and what it brings with it–the fraud–were unprepared. And I think their eyes were opened [to the fact] that they really need to undertake a dynamic fraud strategy,” said Raymond Pucci, Director of Merchant Services at Mercator Advisory Group, to Payments Journal.  

Online fraud is a significant risk.  

Recently, the Ponemon Institute, sponsored by PayPal, did a study called “The Real Cost of Online Fraud”. More than 600 analysts and senior leaders were surveyed regarding their organizations fraud prevention efforts. It came to the following conclusions: 

  • On average, in the United States, organizations lose $4.5 million to fraudulent transactions every year. 
  • Only 51 percent of respondents said their organizations are prioritizing protecting against online payment fraud. 
  • There has been an eleven percent decrease in effectiveness in organizations preventing against online fraud since the outbreak of COVID 19.  
  • Eighty one percent of respondents admitted their organizations are more vulnerable to fraud because of the recent surge in digital transformation.  

This is one of the consequences of sudden, rapid digital transformation.  

“Prior to COVID-19, 45 percent of respondents rated their effectiveness as high or very high. Today, only 34 percent of respondents rate their effectiveness as high or very high. Although digital transformation is important to organizations’ ability to support business goals, it challenges their ability to prevent online fraud incidents,” said the study.  

What can you do to prevent online fraud?  

PayPal and the Ponemon Institute suggest that success in preventing against online fraud begins with collaborative relationships between internal fraud and cybersecurity teams. Often, this also includes working with an external fraud prevention partner with a lot of industry experience.  

Likewise, when using P2P apps, research what fraud prevention tools each service provides. PayPal recently launched Fraud Protection Advanced: a service specifically for enterprise merchants. Zelle benefits from the security measures provided by the banks it partners with. Each app is different, and requires independent research.  

In short, make sure you have the best team, consider collaborating with third-party experts, and do your research and be selective about which P2P apps you use.  

Cal Wilson / May 10, 2021

Internet in the Age of COVID — Is your service enough?

From working and studying at home to an increase in online shopping, we, as a global community, have never used the internet more. Unfortunately, this has exposed some serious weaknesses in the strength of our networks.  

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, internet inequity was a pressing issue in North America. Connection to high speed broadband internet has been tied to better health, education, and financial prosperity. In a global crisis where isolation is part of the solution, this is more relevant than ever.  

In the past year, some analytics report a 50 percent increase in internet usage, just in the United States. For many families with two adults working from home, the home internet that had been working fine before COVID-19 is no longer sufficient. Especially if they also have children doing virtual schooling, streaming content, or gaming. The strain of the past year to networks’ infrastructure has meant that providers are having to come up with new solutions.  

Before lockdowns, networks were accustomed to peak activity times, as well as down times, based on typical consumer habits. Your office or institution’s peak times would be the inverse. Offices and institutions, such as universities, can typically support these heavier peak times, because they pay for “enterprise grade” internet broadband service, which utilize higher quality cables and piping than your typical neighborhood.  

As The New York Times explained it in an article last year, “many offices and schools essentially have the equivalent of a big pipe to carry internet traffic, compared with a garden hose for most homes.” 

This has created an obvious difficulty for business owners with employees working from home, as well as for employees already struggling with pandemic-related stress.  

In the United States, big carriers like Verizon, Cox, and Charter, among others, have taken measures to meet the increase in demand over the past year. The carriers’ challenge was to make home internet fit the expectations of business services. From upgrading plans, forgiving overages, and promising to improve infrastructure, measures have been taken by all major carriers to adjust to the new reality.  

In Canada, the situation has been similar, impacting rural Canadians most severely. Those working or running businesses out of small towns found they were out of options when it came to trying to adjust virtually. One study done in collaboration with the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) and Maclean’s found that “estimates just 46 per cent of rural Canadians have access to internet that meets that minimum standard, compared to 80 per cent for the country as a whole” and “in each of Canada’s 417 municipalities with more than 9,000 people–including the biggest cities, like Toronto–many people live with web connections that aren’t sufficient to work or study from home.” 

This is not just a Canadian problem. In Wisconsin alone, there are roughly 411,000 households without access to broadband speeds.  

Across North America, the answer to the dilemma posed by work from home seems to be improved infrastructure. This infrastructure is already implemented in downtown cores of cities, where multiple people on one residential network can be working or studying simultaneously. Outside of these cores, the current infrastructure can often only support one heavy user.  

The problem has been, as always with connectivity inequity, is that carriers only profit off investing in better infrastructure when there are enough residents in the area to purchase the service. This creates a problem for residents and business owners with employees working from home alike. The pandemic has seen an increasing urgency in adopting internet connectivity into the realm of public infrastructure.  


Cal Wilson / April 19, 2021

Is your Business Impacted by the Global Shipping Container Shortage?

You may have seen a meme or two about the Suez Canal recently, but you may not know it was only one part of a global shipping crisis. The international economy is experiencing a shipping container shortage that is impacting businesses big and small.  

As of right now, containers used to ship larger or bulk product are in high demand and low supply, sending delivery speeds and prices skyrocketing. According to German media outlet Deutsche Welle, some manufacturers shipping product out of China have seen an increase by as much as 100 percent from the beginning of 2020 to now.  

Not only is there a lack of container availability, but physical space on cargo vessels is also low. This is the result of a stark increase in demand over the past year, paired with an inability of the industry to keep up. Before the pandemic, there was not a financial incentive for shipowners to grow their fleets; now they are struggling to meet the ever-increasing demand. 

COVID-19 disrupted the shipping industry.  

Consumer demands caused by lockdowns across the world reignited the shipping industry in a way it had not seen in over a decade. Likewise, various waves of the virus completely halted production in different regions, at different times. Shipping to and from East Asia in the beginning of 2020, causing a supply-chain imbalance that did not quite recover until August. With new waves of lockdowns, and the Ever Given incident in the Suez Canal, we are again thrown way off track.  

Consumer trends during lockdowns have certainly impacted the shipping industry. The past year has seen less money spent on travel and services, and more spent on appliances, furniture, workout and sport equipment, bicycles, and other luxury items that can be enjoyed from home. These products often involve container shipping, and the increased demand has retailers stocking up warehouses pre-emptively. Fleet owners simply cannot meet these demands.  

Port cities are also struggling to adjust. Balancing the consumer need with the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic proves a challenge for some of the world’s biggest hubs. Los Angeles, for example, requires that inbound ships wait ten days before entering the port — which of course is extended if anyone on the crew becomes sick. These are valuable workers, ships, and containers, spending many business days quarantined. While these measures certainly protect us from spreading the virus, they have also presented a big industry problem.  

How is this impacting your business?  

It may seem like a faraway problem, but really, shipping fee increases are likely costing you. From slower speeds, to increased prices, many retailers and other business owners are feeling the consequences of this imbalance.  

If your business is locked into a long-term shipping contract, that was signed before COVID-19, you’re one of the lucky ones. For many businesses though, old contracts have not been enough to satiate new demands.  

For North American exporters, shipping shortages have been an especially painful part of the pandemic. Farmers who provide staple crops to the rest of the world have found it difficult to get their product off the continent. For example, in 2020, China was the leading buyer of Canadian-grown peas. Now, farmers are finding they do not have access to shipping containers to get their product overseas.  

Whether you rely on importing or exporting goods to maintain your business, chances are you’ve been subjected to the repercussions of the shipping crisis, either in cost or in transport delays.  

A solution in sight?  

Experts predict that the shipping demand is not set to ease up any time soon. Hapag Lloyd, a German-based global shipping giant, ordered six new container ships for its fleet before Christmas 2020, but does not expect to see them delivered until 2023.  

Some industries, such as Canadian farmers, have begun lobbying their governments for some kind of regulation to keep them afloat in the midst of this crisis.  

Cal Wilson / April 16, 2021

Helping your team avoid burnout

We all feel the pressure to get as much done as possible – it’s the way we have been socialized, from school to the workplace. While productivity and hard work are necessary for a business to thrive, so too is protecting your employees from burnout, especially when they are working from home.

During the pandemic, there has been an added cultural pressure to be more productive than ever before. Whether its baking fresh bread every week, or learning a new language, we have all been asked to substitute the time taken up by our previous routine with something arbitrarily worthwhile. Many people have found this increased productivity mindset spilling into the way they work. While that extra effort from a team member is great, it’s also your job as a leader to make sure they don’t burn themselves out.

Think about your team. Who is doing more than usual? Who is volunteering for more than you suspect they truly have the time to complete? Who is taking less time for themselves? Call it Type A, workaholism, or ‘toxic productivity’ – call it whatever you will, but make sure it’s being addressed.

One of the main problems with this compulsive productivity mindset is that it can be fueled by guilt. Employees prone to this behavior may be experiencing a sense of guilt and insecurity for not having done more. Setting impossible standards for productivity, and feeling shame when those are not completed, can also lead to a perception of self-failure, even when the opposite is true.

This burn-out inducing pattern can lead to poorer quality of work, irritability, fatigue and exhaustion, lack of engagement, anxiety, and even physical illness. You care about your employees’ wellbeing, and want to retain talent; advocating for your team before they reach this point is just one of the many ways you can show your strong leadership.

Foster a culture that acknowledges the importance of downtime.

Even if your team insists on jumping from one project to the next, ensure they know they can and should take the proper time to care for themselves, especially outside of work hours.

Lead by example when it comes to self-care. Share with your employees how you prioritize your time off, and take some of the guilt away from the prospect of them completely removing work from their Saturday vocabulary. Make the expectation clear that engagement is important during work hours, and detachment is encouraged outside of that time.

A lot of the time, employees who are prone to ‘toxic productivity’ are anxious that it is required to keep in good standing with their manager. You can nip that in the bud by assuring them that this isn’t the case. Be enthusiastic and acknowledging of their accomplishments and deliverables, not the fullness of their schedule.


It’s easy to preach self-care and work-life-balance, but it’s harder to know how your advice is being put to task. Maybe some aspect of your expectations for a team member is preventing them from feeling able to relax outside the workplace.

If you notice an employee struggling, take the time to show concern, ask questions, and graciously accept feedback. If you can take on the role of coach or counsellor to help an employee flourish in their career, that will be hugely rewarding to you, them, and your business.

Don’t gate-keep time off.

Within the appropriate requirements of their position, allow your employees to take the time off that they need without feeling the need to defend that decision. When sick days and holiday days go unused, you have to ask yourself, does my team feel safe to ask for time off?

Especially when working from home, it can be hard to ask for a day off for something like stress or fatigue. And yet, these conditions can drastically impact the quality of work.

Being understanding, respecting privacy, and giving employees the space to choose themselves can help them develop the trust they need to prioritize themselves.

Cal Wilson / April 12, 2021

Networking opportunities — Tips on how to grow your LinkedIn network.

As the saying goes: “It’s not what you know–it’s who you know.” Every entrepreneur or business owner knows the power of a strong professional network. The right connections can offer access to exciting new opportunities, help to grow your company, introduce you to new leads, and so much more. A strong network is essential to take your business to the next level.

Now that we’ve been through 2020 without in-person networking, social networking tools, such as LinkedIn, have become an incredibly effective way to meet new people and build mutually beneficial relationships virtually. It is especially beneficial if you work remotely, or find that local events are thin on the ground.

LinkedIn is one of the best digital platforms to help grow your professional network, completely dedicated to being a professional medium, making it easy to facilitate connections from wherever you have internet access.

LinkedIn encourages all 700+ million users across the globe, to connect, gather information, and share ideas. It’s an amazing and very powerful tool, to grow not only your business, but also your professional career — the resources are unlimited!

With all of this in mind, here are some tips to help fine-tune your online profile and grow your LinkedIn network.


Make your profile public.

By adjusting the customizable settings, this simple change will allow you to show up in searches, and control what information is visible to the public when your profile comes up in a search engine result.

Keep up to date.

When was the last time you updated your profile? Your business goals should be constantly evolving, so updating your profile for accuracy and improvement possibilities is a necessity. Filling out your profile as completely as possible will help to give you the LinkedIn profile and personal brand that you deserve. Your headline is positioned right below your name on your profile and will be the first thing visitors read. Use keywords to describe what you accomplished in the experience fields and don’t waste this valuable space! Add your headshot According to LinkedIn, profiles with headshots are fourteen times more likely to be viewed than those without a profile picture. Be sure to use a photo in which you look professional, and is appropriate for your professional industry. .

Be engaging and active.

Make it a point to be active and consistent on LinkedIn, and see your network get a natural boost! Try sharing your own original content through the publishing platform tool — this allows users to easily publish articles directly on LinkedIn, much like a blog. Showcase yourself in front of others by commenting on posts, and sharing content from people you follow, and you’ll soon find opportunities to get involved in the conversation.

Highlight your account.

Configure your e-mail signature to include a link to your LinkedIn profile. Now, every email you send is an opportunity to increase your social reach. This easily accessible and free marketing tactic can effectively boost extra traffic to your account.

Personalize connection requests.

A network that can generate leads and boost your career should be your target, so sending the same generic connection message to your prospects can hurt your account’s credibility. It’s always a good idea to include a personal note with any connection requests, and this step becomes even more important when you’re reaching out to someone you haven’t yet met or been introduced to. It takes only an extra few seconds, and it makes a BIG difference in getting a response.

Cal Wilson / April 5, 2021

Is your business ready to phase out landline phone systems?

Slowly but surely, landline phone systems are being replaced. In some parts of the world, like the United Kingdom, there are even plans to phase them out entirely by the end of the decade. If your business still uses a landline — even if it’s worked great for you so far — there is a good chance you’ll feel the pressure from your vendors to move to a different voice system soon. 

One of the many available options is a VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone system. It might sound daunting to make the switch to a system that is out of your comfort zone. The best thing you can do is arm yourself with knowledge beforehand.  

So what is VoIP?  

VoIP allows your team to make phone calls using an internet connect as opposed to phone lines. It can be transmitted through a traditional, physical phone alongside a VoIP adapter, or software, downloaded onto a computer or smartphone. There are also dedicated VoIP phones that look just like a traditional analog phone, but are designed specifically for this technology.  

You’ve probably encountered a VoIP phone call before, even if you didn’t recognize it. If you have ever called a customer support line with an automated directory, such as a bank, chances are good that you connected with their VoIP line. This and a whole host of other features is what makes VoIP really attractive to many businesses.  

Why make the switch?  

One of the main reasons to make the switch to VoIP is the low cost. VoIP calls are made over the internet, meaning that you’re paying for internet service, as well as the software and hardware, and not telephone service fees. Especially when it comes to long distance calling or international calling, this can save you a lot of money.  

While social distancing, VoIP is also a much more practical solution for remote workers. Why pay to install a landline in an employee’s home when you could put a soft phone app on their computer?  

Typically, VoIP phone systems offer more features than landline systems as well. From automated directories to call recording to voice to email services, VoIP comes with a handful of perks that can make your busy work schedule a bit easier.  

In an increasingly digitized world, VoIP phone systems have come to be the expected level of quality that many businesses provide their customers when offering customer service. E-Commerce businesses especially have to rely on this technology, when they have customers making purchases and needing assistance from various time zones across the globe. Not only do VoIP’s features allow for a more seamless experience for the customer when no one is available to pick up the phone, but they also ensure that you can have phone agents set up anywhere at any time.  

VoIP systems allow you to integrate the voice experience with other platforms, as well. For example, it allows you to build a call function into an online chat help portal, without the customer needing to explain their issue twice. This makes it less frustrating for the customer, but also easier for the employees and managers using VoIP to keep a record of what has been discussed.  

Good customer experiences are important for your business, and not to be undervalued.  

What do you need to use VoIP?  

Because there are many options for using a VoIP phone system, it is a more flexible option in terms of equipment. The most important part of utilizing VoIP effectively is a reliable internet connection with proper security to prevent hacking. Unfortunately, in areas where internet connection is unreliable or poorly serviced, this does make VoIP less accessible than landline options.  

Otherwise, there is relatively little hardware involved once you have the proper software. If you are using a computer or smartphone, you will probably want a decent quality headset with a microphone. If you want to use a traditional phone, you will need either a VoIP-specific phone, or a traditional phone set compatible with a VoIP adapter.  

Be up to date with your technology. 

Now more than ever, it’s important to be current with your tech. With many day-to-day tasks being handled virtually and remotely, your landline phone system might not make the cut. Â