Through our completely risk-free analysis process, we help businesses achieve one of two possible outcomes. Either we identify areas where savings can be found, or we can confirm that your current services are completely optimized and you're not overspending.

What We Do

We analyze our client’s expenses across several cost categories to determine whether they are overspending, and if cost-saving solutions can be found. Once we present our findings, if the client chooses to move forward with implementation, we remain as a single point of contact for ongoing monitoring, analysis, and support.

Our independent and objective recommendations are based solely on the client’s best interests. Consultants receive no kickbacks, residuals, or incentives from providers.

Schooley Mitchell’s only fees are self-funded from the savings generated. If savings aren’t found, our clients don’t pay – a truly risk-free and mutually beneficial model.

Getting Started is Easy!

Provide Us Invoices or Online Access

First, you provide us with the bills or online access to your vendors so we can establish a baseline of your current cost structure.

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Sign our Letter of Agency & Service Agreement

You also sign a letter of agency so we can negotiate with your current vendors, because chances are you’re not looking to switch. You also sign our service agreement which covers our business terms.

Step 2

We do the Analysis & Negotiating

This is where we use our benchmarking data to research options and negotiate better deals for you.

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Set Up a Call to Introduce Our Specialist

We don't need much from you during this step, just a quick call to introduce our specialist who is doing the work.

Step 3

We Share Our Recommendations

Then we share our recommendations with you. You choose what to implement and we take it from there.

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That's Just The Start!

With some cost reduction consulting agents, after they collect your money and have you sign, you never hear from them again. That isn't the case with Schooley Mitchell.

We are continuously researching and developing new ways to cut costs in our major categories. Your bills are audited monthly to catch any changes in the markets and to implement any new savings we have found!

Schooley Mitchell is always innovating our systems and services in order to better serve our clients and help our franchisees earn more revenue and our contingency billing model means clients only pay us when we find them savings.

our services