Up to date, high-level business information that is relevant to our clients and contacts, helping keep up to date on the ver-changing business world of today.

Pamila Kew / March 14, 2017

Downie Street Burgers

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Pamila Kew / March 14, 2017

Rob & Candice Wigan, Revival House

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Pamila Kew / March 14, 2017

Lynn, Sinclair Pharmacy

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Pamila Kew / March 14, 2017

Unknown John

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Pamila Kew / March 14, 2017

Jamie, Service Ontario

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Pamila Kew / March 14, 2017

Lori, McDonalds

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Pamila Kew / March 13, 2017

Central Pasco County Chamber of Commerce and Business Expo


William McKissock set up a booth at the Central Pasco County Chamber of Commerce and Business Expo to help support local events and get the word out about his business. It was a fantastic event filled with sunshine, music and fun. Pictured above with his staff for the day, sons Rory (left) and Callum.

Pamila Kew / March 13, 2017

Greater Victoria Housing Society

To whom it may concern:

It is an absolute pleasure to write this letter today to recognize a great local organization, the Greater Victoria Housing Society. Founded in 1956, GVHS is a registered non-profit charitable organization dedicated to providing affordable rental housing to low and moderate income families, seniors, working singles, and adults with disabilities who live independently.

At GVHS, its mission is to provide high-quality, safe, and affordable rental housing, to maintain existing units to the highest standard, and to respond to the need for affordable housing by improving, growing, and expanding to meet the needs of the region as a whole.

The Greater Victoria Housing Society believes safe and affordable housing is essential to people’s well being and a necessary foundation for success in life. The GVHS imagines a healthy, vibrant, and prosperous community that is economically and environmentally sustainable. It strives to create a community where everyone feels at home and everyone has a home.

Not only does the GVHS offer healthy, efficient living environments to ensure tenant quality of life, it has also made a green commitment to environmental stability a strong focus of its upcoming plans. It strives to use the best energy practices, the most durable building materials to create less waste, and work with experts to assess program and increase energy efficiency in its buildings. It also works to educate and engage tenants to encourage pro-environmental behaviors.

The Greater Victoria Housing Society is an important organization in our community that offers essential support and services to those who need it most. I commend the GVHS and its staff for the good work they do, and I deeply support their efforts to help people find a place to call home.

Sincerely yours,

Eszter Farkas
Schooley Mitchell

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Pamila Kew / March 13, 2017

Filak CPA

Filak CPA

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