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Cal Wilson / March 13, 2023

Are you harnessing the full power of the “network effect”?

During times of economic uncertainty, clients depend on strategic business advisors more than ever. Chances are, you’re doing all the right things; you understand your client’s business, you have optimized your suite of products and services, and you have provided excellent strategic advice across your domain of expertise. So, what else can you do to provide even more value and build stickier relationships?

Are you familiar with the power of the “network effect”?

The concept of the “network effect” originated in the tech space, and refers to the phenomenon where the value of a product or service increases as more people use it. Take social media, for example. Platforms like Instagram or TikTok became more valuable as more users joined and contributed content, despite more niche beginnings.

The network effect also creates economies of scale for companies with large user bases, allowing them to leverage their size to reduce costs and increase profits.

Our personal and business networks work the same way.

We all know it’s impossible to be all things to all people. We learned that in our Marketing 101 class!  That’s why growing a diverse and highly curated personal and business network can be so valuable to your success.

The value of your network increases as you connect with more people. During a job search, the more people you know, the more likely you are to be connected to someone hiring or be provided with a good reference.  As a business owner, a diverse network is more likely to help you get new customers or referrals or connect you with the right subject matter expert.

Have you recently made the effort to expand and diversify your networks?

While we all serve as experts in our unique business domain, have you explored tapping into a broader set of experts that can complement your expertise and provide even more value to your clients?  New connections can instantly unlock resources, insights, and revenue opportunities for your clients with just a simple introduction.  I know we all tend to network with the “usual suspects” like accountants, attorneys, and financial advisors. But have you explored some more “under the radar” experts like:

  • Industry associations and trade groups that can help our clients while keeping us up-to-date on industry trends, regulations, and best practices. These organizations can also provide networking opportunities with other businesses in the industry as we build our expertise.
  • Tech-savvy marketing and advertising agencies that help our clients execute creative marketing campaigns, including digital marketing, social media marketing, and advertising. These agencies tend to work with clients on a high growth trajectory.
  • Human resources consultants that help clients with talent management, including recruitment, training, and performance management. These consultants can help navigate an extremely tight labor market for our clients.
  • Cost procurement experts that help our clients with specific pricing knowledge and expertise in a particular industry or cost category. These experts identify new vendor options, unlock new savings opportunities, and track changing market dynamics.

As a Schooley Mitchell franchise owner, I work across almost every industry. Our cost categories apply to virtually every business. As a result, I am constantly engaged in conversations across a broad set of business topics, trends, and challenges.  I am constantly looking to my network of experts and clients to help me address their diverse set of business needs.

How about we set up a call to discuss how we could collaborate and collectively harness the power of our unique personal and business networks?

Alyssa Brunsdon / March 10, 2023

SM Spotlight Do Good Restaurant and Ministry

Feeding Bodies, Minds and Souls: Do Good Restaurant and Ministry

The first time Karen Homan heard the Holy Spirit telling her to open a restaurant that would serve as a ministry and bring attention and glory to God, she was hesitant. She had never heard of such an idea and didn’t know how that would work.

The Holy Spirit told her, “there are many good people in the world, but they are not coming to my churches. People are busy, but they go out to eat. And I will show you things to do to draw them back to me.”

Homan tried to put the idea out of her mind, but over the next few weeks, she kept seeing signs and so, following the direction of the Holy Spirit, Homan set out to build and open the restaurant. Although there were many challenges along the way, God always provided what was needed.

“No matter what struggle has been thrown our way, there’s always been a positive outlook and [it] has worked out for the better,” Hillary Lange, front of house and brand manager of Do Good Restaurant and Ministry said.

Today, Do Good Restaurant and Ministry serves four local counties and is a registered non-profit organization with the mission of spreading God’s Word through service and food, and feeding peoples’ bodies, minds, and souls.

Do Good Restaurant and Ministry features a variety of takeout and dine-in options for breakfast, lunch and dinner. From soups and appetizers to delicious entrees and deserts, it has something for everyone to enjoy. It also has a smoothie bar, barista station, catering services, and its upper room is available for guests to rent and host their own private event.

Do Good Restaurant and Ministry truly strives to support everyone in the community. It operates many ministries that are free of charge to people in the community. This includes Bible studies, kid programs, exercise classes and tutoring services, just to name a few.

“People connect here. They don’t just get up and go to a church, they make connections, share stories and bond. It’s a beautiful thing,” Lange said.

It hosts regular honor meals, with free meals given to volunteers to thank them for the time they give to charitable organizations, as well as a Tip of the Month program, in which all tips left at the restaurant are donated to a local family in need. It also hosts countless events throughout the year as well, including Easter events, a summer carnival, Holy Halloween and
a variety of Christmas events.

Although Do Good Restaurant and Ministry has had much success since opening, it isn’t without its struggles. With so many great services being offered and ever-rising food costs, it could always use more volunteers and donations.

“Around 65% of the people that work here are all volunteers doing around 30% of the hours needed, and we wouldn’t be here without them,” Lange said.

To learn more about this great organization, visit www.dogoodrm.com

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Alyssa Brunsdon / March 3, 2023

SM Spotlight Laura Capes Terry

In the past few years, the way small businesses market themselves has had to change. For many business owners, it’s hard to meet the challenges posed by new marketing methods while still dedicating their time and effort to the work they do best. That’s where Laura Capes Terry comes in.Laura-capes

“I’m a career marketer. I’ve done it my whole life,” Capes Terry explains. “I help local businesses make smarter marketing decisions.”

Capes Terry got her start in marketing while at the University of Iowa. Drawn to the creativity and expression made possible through ever-evolving marketing channels, she found her niche in the business world, and hasn’t looked back since. Today, with three decades of experience behind her, she is a StoryBrand Certified Marketing Guide, a certified partner for DigitalMarketer, and has won countless awards for excellence in her field.

For eight years now, Capes Terry has embraced entrepreneurship and works as an independent marketing and media consultant who offers fractional CMO services to local businesses. Some of these services include brand refresh and design, web design, copywriting, SEO, marketing workshops, and more.

Capes Terry also owns two magazines, BeLocal Cedar Park Leander and BeLocal Georgetown, both of which connect new residents to the local providers they need. Not only do residents benefit from these publications, but they also allow businesses to advertise hyperlocally on a widespread multimedia platform.

As a business owner herself, Capes Terry knows exactly what it takes to make the most of her marketing dollars, even in challenging economies like we’ve faced in the past few years.

“I have a lot of empathy for my clients that are running businesses, because I know what it means to be responsible for a P&L,” she explains.

She spends a lot of her workdays in conversation with other entrepreneurs, getting to know their needs, their business, and their goals. Taking this individualized approach to each client allows Capes Terry to truly serve every local business she works with, developing a strategy that best suits their wants and needs.

In today’s economy, small businesses need every advantage they can get. Without a doubt, Capes Terry gives them a huge boost and an ally they can count on.

For more information, visit her website at www.lauracapesterry.com.

Follow Laura on Instagram: @lauracapesterrymba

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