Up to date, high-level business information that is relevant to our clients and contacts, helping keep up to date on the ver-changing business world of today.

Alyssa Brunsdon / December 12, 2024

Featured Client Gundersen Dental


For nearly twenty years, Gundersen Dental has been Wenatchee’s trusted experts in dental care. The Gundersen Dental team specializes in a variety of services including but not limited to: general prevention and cosmetic dentistry to dental laser therapy, gum disease treatment, and sleep apnea appliance therapy.

Alyssa Brunsdon / December 12, 2024

Featured Client Westcliffe Inn

Located in Westcliffe, Colorado, Westcliffe Inn is an independent and locally owned hotel with 28 spacious and modern rooms. It offers a wide range of amenities to its guests including free parking, complementary Wi-Fi, hot tub and sauna access, and pristine mountain views.

Alyssa Brunsdon / December 10, 2024

Featured Client Infinite Composites

You might think goals like revolutionizing composite pressure vessel technology and being the company that enabled the technology to gain widespread adoption are a little lofty. But Infinite Composites is well on its way to doing just that. When you’re able to provide products for mobile compressed natural gas fueling stations, nitrogen accumulator tanks for a major amusement park ride, fuel storage tanks for missile defense, and communication satellites and launch vehicles, that’s making a statement about “widespread adoption”.