Up to date, high-level business information that is relevant to our clients and contacts, helping keep up to date on the ver-changing business world of today.

Alyssa Brunsdon / October 6, 2023

Check Out Miracle Signs

If your business or organization needs a new sign or is looking to upgrade your current one, contact Miracle Signs today. It’s got a great team that is dedicated to creating high-quality, visually appealing signs that meet the specific needs and desires of its clients.

Alyssa Brunsdon / October 6, 2023

Letter of Recommendation for Brian Kosarko at Twin Pines

To whom it may concern,

It is my pleasure to write this letter of recommendation on behalf of Brian Kosarko at Twin Pines in Cuyahoga Falls, OH.

Brian Kosarko is a very detail-oriented individual who is beyond proud of his business. He began Twin Pines with a vision to genuinely make a difference and be a valuable asset to other businesses. He understands the importance of data and its safety, so he makes it his top priority to ensure you are protected.

I have had the pleasure of knowing Brian for 11 months in a business capacity, but I also have the pleasure of being his neighbor. Brian is a wonderful person to be around. His knowledge and confidence are unmatched. He always makes time for great conversation at chamber meetings, outings, and all networking events. Brian also has an eye for his community, so he makes a point of being there any chance he can.

I highly recommend Brian Kosarko at Twin Pines for anyone looking for top quality IT protection and cybersecurity. With a great eye for detail and the aspiration to help everyone, Brian is ready to provide twenty-four-hour service so you always have access to the tools and expertise you need when you need it most.


Fred Carter
Schooley Mitchell

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Alyssa Brunsdon / September 28, 2023

Featured Client CICOA

Since 1974, CICOA has been a non-profit agency that helps seniors and people of any age with disabilities remain comfortable and safe both at home and out of institutional care. Its goal is to reduce costs and improve care while keeping loved ones where they feel most comfortable.