Brittany Powers / March 4, 2024
Testimonial Letter from Glowacki Management
Glowacki Management Company, a regional leader in property management, is dedicated to providing superior service and maximizing value to our clients. We are committed to ensuring our clients’ operations are running in a smart and cost-effective manner, so we are always looking for innovative opportunities to create value for them.
In 2022, Adam Baker and his team at Schooley Mitchell were referred to us. After hearing about the risk-free analysis, I was interested in seeing what they could do, both for our operations and for our clients and in the time since they haven’t disappointed.
Adam and his team reviewed multiple expense categories for our internal operations, including wireless and desk phones, internet, and shipping. For our clients, we had them review telecom and waste management expenses to see what they could come up with. Using their best-in-class software and national benchmarking data, they were able to create great savings for us and our clients!
Immediately, Schooley Mitchell identified a monthly fee our shipping company was unnecessarily charging us and walked us through how to have it removed.
After completing their telecom analysis, they were able to save us 35% every month on our wireless, voice, and internet services. The best part was that it didn’t require us to change any vendors, it was bottom-line savings with no operational impact!
Schooley Mitchell also came through big for our clients. When they reviewed all the waste expenses for our clients, they delivered a report that broke down all the services, costs, and contract dates for each client location, which was immensely valuable. For some of our clients, they validated their costs were optimized, and for others, they deliver savings of almost 25% off their monthly costs.
The financial results of our engagement with Adam and Schooley Mitchell have been great, but one of the real benefits of having worked with them is that they now handle our service-related issues with the vendors. They’ve identified billing errors and gone after the vendor for refunds, allowing us to focus on other ways to serve our clients.
I highly recommend Adam and Schooley Mitchell to any organization, especially property management firms. The Schooley Mitchell team is another tool we use to provide exceptional service to our clients, and I couldn’t be happier with the results.
Garrett S. Shames Chief Operating Officer & General Counsel
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