Up to date, high-level business information that is relevant to our clients and contacts, helping keep up to date on the ver-changing business world of today.

Pamila Kew / November 9, 2015

Community Involvement

Schooley Mitchell has a strong focus on community involvement. Business Optimization Specialist Paul Nelson takes pride in supporting the following organizations in his area:


canton chamber                       SWCOC


new hartford business council     rotary-logo1



Pamila Kew / November 9, 2015

Community Involvement

Lawrence County Humane Society


Marla and Lee may not have a dog, but that didn’t stop them from helping out at the recent Walk for Animals fundraiser for the Lawrence County Humane Society. Here Marla does her part by serving up hot dogs to hungry participants.

Pamila Kew / November 9, 2015

Community Involvement

Lawrence County Humane Society


Marla recently dressed up in a sumo suit for a Lawrence County Humane Society fundraiser.

Pamila Kew / November 9, 2015

Community Involvement – Humane Society Thank You Letter

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Pamila Kew / November 9, 2015

Featured: In The News

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Pamila Kew / November 9, 2015

Featured: In The News

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Pamila Kew / November 9, 2015

Featured: In The News

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Pamila Kew / November 9, 2015

My Awards & Achievements

smart-certificate                       smart_graduates

Entrepreneurial SMARTS

(Above) Lee is pictured in the back row, second from the left.

Pamila Kew / November 9, 2015

My Awards & Achievements

rookie of the year award balaklaw

Lee and Marla Balaklaw — Rookie of the Year 2014

Business Optimization Specialists Lee and Marla Balaklaw were recently named Rookie of the Year by Schooley Mitchell Head Office. The award was presented to Schooley Mitchell of Louisa in honor of outstanding financial and operations performance for a first year franchise. Lee and Marla added 25 clients in their first year of business. Their hard work, persistence and attention to detail has lead to great success.

They received the award at the recent Schooley Mitchell Annual Training Conference in Cancun, Mexico. Congratulations Lee and Marla! They are pictured above with Dennis Schooley.