Up to date, high-level business information that is relevant to our clients and contacts, helping keep up to date on the ver-changing business world of today.

Ryan Newell / September 7, 2021

Interview with Doug Linder of Linder & Associates Consulting

In this episode, Schooley Mitchell’s William McKissock sits down virtually with the owner of Linder & Associates Consulting, Doug Linder. Doug discusses how his 35 years of leadership experience and serving on numerous non-profit boards led him to writing his new book entitled “All About The Board: Taking Your Non-Profit To The Next Level.”


Ryan Newell / September 2, 2021

Interviewed by Patty Soltis of Kinetic Edge Consultants #3

In the third episode of this series, Schooley Mitchell’s William McKissock has another virtual conversation with Patty Soltis. William provides more details about Schooley Mitchell’s cost reduction categories and how he can find significant savings for his clients within these categories.


Ryan Newell / August 26, 2021

Interview with Julie Smith Moore & Julie Lawrence

In this episode, Schooley Mitchell’s William McKissock sits down virtually with Julie Smith Moore and Julie Lawrence. They talk about working for Spoor Bunch Franz CPAs and why the company was voted Best Places to Work 2 years in a row. Below is their contact information. Please reach out as they are happy to assist with any of your accounting needs!

Julie Smith Moore          Julie Lawrence

CPA                                CPA

[email protected]       [email protected]

727-888-9200             727-888-9200