Your team has more important things to do than conducting thorough audits of your expenses. Thankfully, that’s what Schooley Mitchell does, all day, every day. We optimize your expenses so you can focus on doing what you do best; caring for those who really need you.

At Schooley Mitchell, we’re entirely independent of any vendors. Our consultants receive no incentives or bonuses from services providers. In fact, we’re so confident in our ability to negotiate savings for our clients, we’ve based our business model on that very fact; if we don’t deliver savings, we don’t get paid.


Savings Delivered

Multi-Location Retirement Community


Waste Expenses

In-Home Care-Giving


Telecom Expense Savings

Senior Living Center


Waste Disposal Fees

Nonprofit Long-Term Care Home


Reduction in Waste Fees


How predictable is your waste every month?

Variability in your waste from month-to-month makes a big difference to certain service providers.

Is your container size and collection frequency optimized?

Finding a provider that is both cost effective and meets your needs can be challenging.

Are your waste disposal fees changing frequently over the course of the year?

A professional audit of your expenses can get to the bottom of it.

Facility Supplies

Are you over or undersupplied?

We audit your invoices to ensure optimal delivery schedules.

Are you splitting hairs with multiple vendors?

We look at all supplies invoices, across all vendors, to make sure everything you need is being ordered, delivered, and replenished effectively.

Do you require specific product quality or other specifications?

Schooley Mitchell helps you find the solutions that bet fit your business.


Have you conducted a recent usage audit across your telecommunications system?

In many cases, we find inefficiencies and redundancies in the number of lines and features.

Have you considered moving to a Voice over IP platform?

Cloud based telecommunications systems typically provide unique features at lower costs.

Do you know when your current plan automatically renews?

Companies typically only have a 30-day window to make changes to their current contract.


Have you considered splitting your shipping business across multiple vendors?

Vendors tend to specialize in certain areas so playing to their unique strengths can reduce your overall costs.

Are you paying for unnecessary delivery guarantees?

Being more flexible on delivery times can significantly reduce your costs.

Do you review your monthly statements to ensure the correct charge codes are used?

Charge codes can be very confusing and require a detailed review to ensure you are being charged correctly.

Uniforms & Linens

Do you rent or purchase uniforms?

With no inventorial upfront costs and easier access to replacements/repairs, renting from a reliable source has become a preferred option to purchasing outright.

Does your uniform rental policy properly account for employee damage and loss?

Loss and damage charges include the purchase of a new garment at full retail price on top of the associated setup, name tag, logo fees, and sometimes replacement charges, depending on your rental agreement.

Are your laundering and delivery schedules optimized?

Without the correct cadence, your business could be overspending or not receiving what it needs to operate efficiently.

Miguel Cardenas

Optimization Specialist
Office: 519-904-5577

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