Hartford, Connecticut

Paul Nelson

Office: 860-413-2663Mobile: 860-977-0959

Office Information

2 Mill Pond Lane, Unit D Simsbury, Connecticut – 06070

Koss Collision Works

"Schooley Mitchell has become part of our team and will continue to review our expenses in the future to ensure that we are always optimized in both areas. I would highly recommend Schooley Mitchell to any business interested in having their telecom and merchant processing expenses audited with the potential of significant savings."

Town of East Hampton, CT

"This work has uncovered a number of opportunities for the town to reduce its costs; combine accounts, negotiate new rates, and technology to lower our costs. I would highly recommend any government agency or any entity for profit or not for profit to engage Paul Nelson Schooley Mitchell of Hartford for the expertise in reducing telecommunication costs."

Proud Member

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When it comes to saving money for your business, the best time to start is right now. Reach out today for a risk-free analysis of your business expenses.

Schooley Mitchell saves our clients an average of 28%, and our entire process takes less than two hours of your time on average. Stop paying your vendors more than you need to. Let Schooley Mitchell put that money back in your pocket.