Recommendation Letter for Jason Luftig of Franchises For You
To whom it may concern,
If you have ever thought of owning your own business, but then fell back to your normal routine because the process was confusing or scary, let me introduce you to Jason Luftig.
Jason is a franchise broker and owner of Franchises For You, and I couldn’t be happier to recommend him to anyone seeking a new, different opportunity. If you are unfamiliar with a franchise broker, they help educate you on different franchise opportunities available, with the goal of matching up prospective investors with the right opportunity.
Jason has put a process in place to really get to know you and what type of business would fit you best. He then provides you with a list of opportunities to review and a plan of how to get from where you are to where you ultimately want to be – business ownership.
There are three great things about working with Jason. First, he provides you with the security of having a guide along an unfamiliar path; because of his experience in the franchising world, he is able to identify legitimate opportunities that match your talents and desires. Second, he is focused on being an advisor to you. At no point will you feel that Jason is pushing or pulling you in any direction; he is there to make sure you have all the information you need to make an informed decision. Third, Jason receives no payment from you – all of his fees are paid for by the franchise company you select, so working with Jason costs you nothing.
I worked with Jason for six months as we identified, investigated, and ultimately invested in a Schooley Mitchell franchise. I’m grateful for Jason’s guidance and friendship, and I’m certain if you use his services, you’ll be just as happy.
Adam Baker