Recommendation for Dawn Rapaport at H.E.L.P Homeless Engagement Lift Partnership

To whom it may concern,

I would like to take a moment to write a letter of recommendation on behalf of Dawn Rapaport of H.E.L.P in Arizona. Her vision is to help restore dignity and hope to those in our community.

Dawn started H.E.L.P knowing the severity of homelessness both around the world and within her community. In Arizona alone, roughly one in every 227 residents is homeless. Dawn knew that if she wants to see a change, then it had to start with her.

Dawn helps families discover programs, advance education, and knowledge while providing immediate shelter and support. She also loves to encourage others to volunteer to make a difference. Her mission is to improve the homelessness community and provide immediate aid and comfort.

I have had the pleasure of knowing Dawn just shy of a year now, and she has helped me to better understand what is going on in the community. She has shown me how I can increase my knowledge but also support those around me who are struggling.

I wholeheartedly recommend Dawn at H.E.L.P. She has helped thousands of people to overcome food scarcity and homelessness. So, whether you yourself need support or you’re looking to get involved, then be sure to reach out to Dawn Rapaport at H.E.L.P today.


Dave Delles
Business Optimization Specialist
Schooley Mitchell

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