Homes for the BRAVE – STEP OUT for the Brave Event
Schooley Mitchell consultant Jack McCullough and Tracy Stepped recently participated in the Homes for the BRAVE – STEP OUT for the Brave Event. This event is in support of the 40,000 homeless Veterans across the United States.
Jack and Tracy are grateful Americans and honored to be a small part of this event geared to end homelessness for veterans. We are proud to recognize the veterans that serve and protect the freedom we all enjoy. “To Care-and-Do is the way forward to ending homelessness for vets and it is just one of the many ways to demonstrate our thank you to veterans for their service to this country,” says Jack.
STEP OUT for the Brave is a virtual challenge fundraiser with more than 600 participants from 75 towns in Connecticut and across 15 states. In the first day of the seven day event – more than 300 miles were clocked in support of our brave men and women that have dutifully served our country yet find themselves homeless. We will do better!