Letter of Recommendation Boys & Girls Clubs of Western Pennsylvania
To whom it may concern,
I am happy to write this recommendation letter regarding the Boys and Girls Club of Western Pennsylvania, an organization that has been helping youths for over 130 years and continues to make a significant impact in its community.
The Boys & Girls Club of Western Pennsylvania is highly committed to helping adolescents find their purpose and reach their fullest potential. It has several programs, clubhouses, and school partnerships dedicated to enriching the lives of children in the community. These include summer camps, before and after school programs, field trips, and more. One of the best parts of the programming offered is that it focuses on several important areas of education, including STEM, fitness, leadership, and community values. It also helps young adults between the ages of 18-24 enter the workforce successfully.
The club has won many awards including the Boys & Girls Clubs of America Honor Award for Program of the Decade and the Pennsylvania Juvenile Justice Commission Community Based Program of the Year, to name a few. It maintains a mission of striving to maximize opportunity and self-esteem for every child, and because of this, helps make Western Pennsylvania a safe and supportive community.
Matt Phillips
Business Optimization Specialist
Schooley Mitchell