Recommendation for Goodwill Industries of Kansas
To whom it may concern:
I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation on behalf of a fantastic organization, Goodwill Industries of Kansas. Goodwill Industries of Kansas is an incredible organization that truly makes a positive impact on the lives of countless people in the community.
With 19 store locations across Kansas, Goodwill Industries of Kansas offers support and opportunities across the state. When you shop at Goodwill, donate to Goodwill, or attend one of their events, your support helps uplift local communities through employment and education programs, specifically for people with disabilities and other facing barriers to employment.
At Goodwill Industries of Kansas, their team makes all the difference. From donation center staff to event coordinators to program educators, each team member is passionate about their work. At every event, training session, or donation center, you are always met with a friendly and compassionate team.
I highly recommend Goodwill Industries of Kansas to anyone looking to give back to their community or seeking employment support. With Goodwill Industries of Kansas, you can be sure to be contributing to a good cause to help better your community.
Rod Holter
Schooley Mitchell