Recommendation for BMA

To whom it may concern:

It is with great pleasure I write this letter of recommendation on behalf of The Bexar-Medina-Atascosa Counties Water Control and Improvement District No. 1 (BMA). The BMA is a conservation and reclamation district of the State of Texas.

The BMA exists in conformity with the Texas Constitution (article XVI, section 59), and is organized as a water control and improvement district. Its powers and duties are expressed in the laws currently codified in the Texas Special District and Local Laws Code (chapter 9007), the Texas Water Code (chapters 49, 50, and 51), and other applicable general laws of the State of Texas.

Governed by a board of directors, the BMA overseas many projects, including recent piping projects, and helps to keep the public informed of happenings in and around the area, such as when harmful species are found in the lakes.

I highly recommend the BMA to anyone looking to learn more about the conservation and reclamation district of the State of Texas. The great board of directors will answer any questions or concerns you may have and work hard to ensure every voice is heard.

Sincerely yours,

Craig Hubbard
Business Optimization Specialist
Schooley Mitchell

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